There’s so much you can do with aisle petals. Not only can you do so many different colors, but you can also do so many different designs and effects. Here are a few things to keep in mind for the best effect.
- Rope off your aisle so your guests don’t stomp on them. You may even want to use ushers to guide people to the sides to enter the aisle.
- Don’t do silk. They are hard to clean up outside (not bio-degradable) and inside they are slippery on some surfaces.
- Don’t go cheap or too light. If you don’t have enough petals it won’t have the effect you are looking for and might even look skimpy. It takes a LOT of petals to create some of these awesome effects.
- Ask the venue what colors they allow. Some dark petals, especially red, can stain some surfaces, so depending on where your ceremony is there could be some restrictions.
- Have a backup plan for the wind. If you try to do a specific design but it’s very windy outside, it will just make a mess. Maybe use these petals in a different design or move them inside where they will be best used.
- Don’t sprinkle them too early or they will wilt. You want crisp, fresh petals. I de-petal roses the day of the wedding, not before to ensure they look amazing.